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Lindgren Nursery School and Camp

Established 1944




 About Us


 Free Play


 Summer Camp

 Art Gallery

 School Application

Camp Application

Contact Us

Mommy and Me




 Our Aims:

To provide a balanced education for the whole child, developing their social, emotional, physical and intellectual selves.

To provide learning experiences of infinite variety through a flexible curriculum, leaving as much room as possible for problem solving, discovery and play.

To nurture creativity through open-ended activities that provide opportunities for experimentation and problem solving.

To familiarize the child with routines, rules, responsibilities and the basic social graces of being part of a community.

To foster a love of stories so the child will be eager to read. To help children to develop an ability to sit quietly for the enjoyment of listening. To demonstrate that stories and books are a source of information and joy.

To give the child every opportunity to express himself through stories and plays and through music, movement, and art.

To provide opportunities for conversation and discussion with adults and peers in order to help the child clarify his own ideas and express them confidently.

To foster a natural understanding of mathematics through the play experiences of  building, measuring, counting, sorting and comparing.


To help the child understand the functions and basic needs of his own body. To learn how the sources of food, shelter, and clothing are met in his community.

To introduce the world of plants and animals and how they live so the child may learn to respect and love other living things. Activities include caring for farm animals and classroom pets as well as caring for plants and enjoying a walk through the woods in the neighboring Closter Nature Center.

To help the child  see and feel the joy of observing the natural world we live in during each season.    

To allow each child plenty of time for FREE PLAY, both indoors and out.